Sunday 29 September 2013

15 Symptoms and Signs of Kidney Disease.

15  Symptoms and other signs.
Identify the symptoms and experience relief fast!!
Any kidney disease can lead to the 
loss of life if not treated early enough. Learning to recognize the symptoms and signs will enable you to live a healthier life.
The following are the most common kidney disease symptoms:
·        The first symptom of kidney disease is a change in the urinary function.
·        If you find that you are waking up more frequently at night to go to the bathroom, and this does not usually occur to you, this could be an indicator that there is something wrong with your kidneys.
·        Changes in the colour and amount of your urine are also signs of your kidneys not working properly.
·        If you experience pain or difficulty when voiding, it could be a sign of your kidneys experiencing problems.
·        If you realize that you are voiding larger amounts of urine than usual, and your urine is pale or very light in color, or if your urine is very dark and in small amounts, it is important that you visit a doctor for a check-up.
     You might notice that your urine is smelling very strongly.
·        If your kidneys are not working properly, you might feel extremely fatigued.
·        Rashes might develop on your body. These rashes are usually itchy.
·        Your breath might start smelling like ammonia. You might also experience a metallic taste.
·        Weight loss may also result from the diminished appetite.
·        Vomiting and nausea are also kidney disease symptoms that maybe experienced as a result of a build up of waste products in the body.
·        Some kidney disease cases may cause back or abdomen pain.
·        In case there is a kidney stone in your ureter, you might experience a severe cramping pain spreading from the lower back to the groin area.
·        This pain might be related to an inherited kidney disorder called polycystic kidney disease which usually causes fluid filled cysts in the kidneys. Interstitial cystitis is a chronic bladder wall inflammation that causes pain and discomfort.
·        Other symptoms of kidney disease may include feeling cold all the time, shortness of breath, inability to concentrate over long durations, dizziness and pain in the back area of the affected kidney.
·        More symptoms include endocrine disturbance from menstrual disturbances to sexual dysfunction and thyroid dysfunction.
·        You might also experience cardiovascular ailments from coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure to occlusive vascular and pericarditis diseases.
In order to reduce your probability of getting more complicated kidney problems, you should visit your health professional or naturopath any time you experience any of these symptoms. If discovered early enough, kidney disease can be treated effectively using natural medicines.
If you or a loved one is suffering with a kidney disease then you’re about to find out that it’s possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoid dialysis and/or kidney transplant surgery. By following the same step-by-step holistic healing protocols that thousands of people around the world have already followed with successful results, you can improve your kidney function and your quality of life.

Monday 23 September 2013

2 Major Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease.

There are several causes for kidney failure;
The body and its functions is very complex that is why it is so difficult for a doctor to diagnose the symptoms that we experience and describe. 

Several symptoms can be the sign of more than one disease and to know exactly what the problem is, we need an expert diagnoses.

When our concern is kidney disease, it is a known fact that the two major causes for kidney failure  is Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.


Analyzing the causes of kidney diseases, diabetes is the number one cause of kidney disease, present in a staggering 43.8% of all cases! This is something that needs urgent attention, and scarily the number of people developing diabetes each year is only growing... enormously.
The way diabetes causes kidney disease is threefold.

1. Damaged Blood Vessels – High sugar levels within the blood of diabetics causes the tiny blood vessels within the kidneys to become narrow and clogged, essentially cutting off the blood supply to the kidneys and causing death of tissue.

2. Damaged Nerve Supply - In this instance, high blood sugar levels cause the nerve supply to (but not limited to) the bladder to become weakened and in communicative with the rest of the body. Therefore, as the kidneys begin to excrete urine and the urine begins to accumulate within the bladder, the nervous system’s messenger system gets confused – it does not tell the brain that the bladder is full. This creates a back-up of pressure in the bladder, which in turn places added stress on the kidneys.

3. Urinary Tract - High blood sugar causes an increased likelihood of urinary tract infections, as sugar is the favorite food of bacteria. Urine with a high concentration of sugar in it becomes a breeding ground for infections. This can later develop into infections to the kidneys.

Feed Back From Satisfied User:- Shocked By Impaired Kidney Function Diagnosis
I was really shocked to find my kidney function down, and my sugar and cholesterol levels very high. I was dumbstruck and decided to be pro-active. After lots of investigation I alighted on your website and obtained your package. It was very easy to download, and your follow-up service is excellent.
I followed a very precise diet for 6 weeks taking into account your Kidney Solution references! My sugar levels have already come down and I have lost weight. Plus even my Doctor wants me to maintain this regime.
Kidneys can cause many ailments
I have told one of my friends about your program, too!
Ellen Fielder


Kidney disease are not always localized to the lower back area. Kidney disease can be the cause of various other symptoms and ailments. 

High Blood Pressure;

Not too far behind diabetes is high blood pressure as a cause of kidney disease. With the added stresses that we are bombarded with each day, with our lifestyles becoming less and less harmonious, and with our diets containing more ‘artificial’ foods than real ones, it is no wonder that our bodies are developing cardiovascular disease.

The mechanism by which high blood pressure causes kidney disease is simple. The kidneys work by filtering blood via tiny vessels. If high blood pressure is present, the ‘pressure’ at which the kidneys need to filter the blood increases, in most cases making the kidneys work harder because they are filtering too much blood. The blood is literally forced upon the kidneys to be filtered. A blood pressure reading of 130/80 is ideal. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 or higher needs attention.

Whom Does It Affect?

· Every year 100,000+ people from the USA are diagnosed with kidney failure
· Average 60 years plus is the most common age bracket to have kidney failure
· 1 in 6 adults has been  diagnosed with kidney disease.

As mentioned in the beginning there are several causes for kidney diseases or failure, to learn more and find out how kidney failure can be prevented or reversed. Click Here ==>> Symptoms of Kidney Diseases

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Living With Kidney Disease - Love in Your Life.

Living With Chronic Kidney Disease;

An essential aspect of living with illness, and planning the direction your life will now take is working out what is important to YOU. Although some aspects of your life certainly need to change and be replaced with healthy habits, there are some things that should never change.
Remember your family, friends and specifically loved ones still see you as the person before you were diagnosed with this ailment.

You still need to do the things that you love and that you take pleasure in. As long as they are not harmful it is essential to maintain your friendships, favorite hobbies and entertainment. Withdrawing from what you love can leave a big gap in your life and that is the last thing you need.

Only a Change of Lifestyle and Certain Habits!!

It is natural to feel depressed or unmotivated when you are unwell, and this is the time when you most need to continue the activities that make you happy, and to maintain your zest for life. It may take some modification and forward planning, especially when eating out but there is no need to feel as though you are missing out.

You Are Worth It;

It is also important no matter what your state of health, to take time out for yourself each day. You may have a lot to come to terms with at the moment, and that means taking time to digest what is happening to you and what you are going to do about it.

However you must remember that if you have been told that you have kidney disease, even if you feel fine, you must take responsibility now. Do something for yourself every day, because you are worth it.

Kidney disease can be reversed!!

There is also a lot of supportive information available from support groups and friends and love ones. Should you be physically isolated or prefer privacy. Check out my website for some inspiring personal stories for people who have achieved wonderful levels of healing through incorporating natural therapies into their lives. Click Here = =>> Start Healing Your Kidneys Today.  

The best part is that kidney disease can be reversed and complete healing is possdible with the right treatment and diet.
Youre about to find out that its possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoid dialysis and/or kidney transplant surgery. By following the same step-by-step holistic healing protocols that thousands of people around the world have already followed with successful results, you can improve your kidney function and your quality of life, too.
Here you will realize support is not what is important. What matters is that you do not feel alone and unable to cope.

The opportunity to recover fully depends on how you take action!!!